Two methods for estimating the prevalence of growth retardation in a population are evaluated: the classical method, which is based on the proportion of children whose height is more than 2 standard deviations below the expected mean of a reference population; and a new method recently proposed by Mora, which is based on the whole height distribution of observed and reference populations. Application of the classical method to several simulated populations leads to the conclusion that in most situations in developing countries the prevalence of growth retardation is grossly underestimated, and reflects only the presence of severe growth deficits. A second constraint with this method is a marked reduction of the relative differentials between more and less exposed strata. Application of Mora's method to the same simulated populations reduced but did not eliminate these constraints. A novel method for estimating the prevalence of growth retardation, which is based also on the whole height distribution of observed and reference populations, is also described and evaluated. This method produces better estimates of the true prevalence of growth retardation with no reduction in relative differentials.
PIP: The classical method of determining the prevalence of stunted children consists of calculating the proportion of children whose heights are 2 standard deviations (SD) below the expected mean of the anthropometric standard. Since it assumes modest rates of stunting, it underestimates stunting in most populations. In fact, several simulated population analyses show that the classical method indeed only detects children with severe growth retardation. Another problem is that a considerable reduction of relative differentials between more and less exposed strata occur. Mora has suggested a new method which takes into consideration whole height distribution of observed and reference populations, false positives, and false negatives. A controversy exists, however, in his method of estimating the false negatives. False negatives include the excess proportion of cases in the observed population above the cut off point compared with that is the reference population. A problem with this definition is that the area of no overlapping depicts only some of the false negatives. So Mora's method reduces some of the constraints, but does not eliminate them. Monteiro proposes a minimum prevalence of growth deficits method which is also based on the whole height distribution of both populations. When it is applied to hypothetical populations, the degree of underestimation is smaller than the Mora methods. Further since the degree of underestimation is not dependent on prevalence level, it maintains the true prevalence gradients between populations. Thus this method tends to detect values that are very close to being real. Monteiro suggests that any cross sectional studies to assess growth should included the complete Z-score distribution, percentage of individuals 2 SD below the cut off (stunted), and the percentage of individuals given by 100-2 (% of Z-scores0) (nonoptimal growth).