Background: Proximal urethral defects account for approximately 20% of hypospadiac urethras. Previous surgical interventions involved hair-bearing genital skin which consequently resulted in a hairy urethra, which is seen mainly in older patients.
Objective: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the CO2 laser for urethra hair elimination.
Methods: Four men aged 18-20 years with hairy urethras, who failed electrolysis treatment, were treated with CO2 laser desiccation at low fluences (2-5 watts). The treatments were performed at 1-month intervals. Treatment was continued until no hair was seen. Visual assessment of the hair reduction was recorded.
Results: Patients received two to four treatment sessions (average 3.2). On clinical assessment 3 months after the last treatment, outcome was rated excellent (no hair) in all patients.
Conclusions: CO2 laser desiccation should be considered as a therapeutic modality for a hairy urethra, especially after the failure of electrolysis.