The trinucleotide d(CGT) was modified by covalent binding of the carcinogen N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene (AAF) or 2-aminofluorene (AF) at the C8 position of the guanine base. The conformations of d(CGT)-AAF and -AF were studied by comparing the absorption and circular dichroism properties with those of dCMP + dGMP-AAF or -AF + dTMP in a molar ratio of 1:1:1 and AAF- and AF-containing dGMP. For both AAF- and AF-d(CGT) complexes the results show significant stacking interactions between the fluorene residue and the base(s) and are discussed in terms of the conformation of d(CGT)-AAF and -AF. In d(CGT)-AF we observe a clear interaction between AF and thymine, whereas the C-G stack is still intact. In the case of d(CGT)-AAF the C-G stack is weakened and the glycosidic rotation angle of dGuo-C8-AAF is most probably syn. The specific fluorene-base interactions persist at elevated temperatures. The carcinogen-base interactions are stronger in the AAF-carrying d(CGT) than in the case of the deacetylated complex. This is consistent with the higher mobility of the AF-adduct and its conformationally heterogeneous appearance in DNA.