Objective: To demonstrate whether the regional recurrence (RR) of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the nasal cavity is higher than previously suspected.
Data sources: Original articles, including a previously published series from our institution, were identified from systematic searches of the MEDLINE database.
Study selection: Studies that analyzed tumors other than SCC or tumors from sites other than the nasal cavity were excluded. Studies that did not report an RR were also excluded.
Data extraction: Studies identified by the literature search were reviewed by a single reviewer (W.C.S.), and studies not excluded were reviewed for data extraction by 2 reviewers (W.C.S. and M.Y.C.).
Data synthesis: From the 23 studies reviewed, the average weighted percentage RR for SCC of the nasal cavity was 18.1% (95% confidence interval, 13.4%-22.8%).
Conclusions: Currently, few authors advocate elective treatment of the neck in patients with high-risk SCC of the nasal cavity. The results of this systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrate that the RR of this entity may be higher than previously suspected. Because many studies included other histopathologies or analyzed recurrence data from tumors of multiple subsites, a true RR for SCC of the nasal cavity has not been firmly established. Now that a uniform staging system exists for nasal cavity cancers, better prospective analysis of these tumors will be available. The authors suggest that the risk of RR of certain high-risk SCCs of the nasal cavity to the lymph nodes, including the perifacial and upper cervical lymphatics, may approach the frequently cited 20% risk suggestive of consideration for elective regional therapy.