Chronic prostatitis (CP) has been described as one of the most common illnesses men aged < or = 50, showing a significant impact on patients' quality of life comparable with other chronic diseases, such as unstable angina or Crohn's disease. CP also is a social and economic problem due to its high incidence in the young male population and to the absence of evidence for the effectiveness of treatment. Today, however, although validated outcome questionnaires are available to follow prostatitis patients, diagnostic and treatment options are based on experience, expert opinion and poor clinical trial data. More extensive and better-designed epidemiological studies are needed to evaluate and describe prostatitis patient clinical characteristics, in order to carry out correct and useful treatment. The aim of this report is to present the new Associazione Italiana Sindromi Pelvico Prostatiche questionnaire (AISPEP-Q) in order to provide a tool for increasing knowledge in prostatitis patient characteristics and design future epidemiological studies.