It is now well established that cognitive deficits are a frequent consequence of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). The cognitive status in the acute phase of the illness may provide valuable prognostic information in relation to the effects of the proposed treatment and long-term functioning of the patient. A prerequisite for this task is the identification of instruments that might prove useful in the diagnosis of neuropsychological deficits in patients with SAH. For these purposes we used The Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State (MEAMS) in order to assess the cognitive deficits consequent upon SAH.
The aim of the study: To assess the cognitive functioning of patients undergoing treatment for SAH of aneurysmal origin in the acute stage of the illness, using a modified form of the MEAMS.
Materials and methods: 49 patients participated in the study, none of whom had a previous history of neurological or psychiatric illness. The age of the patients ranged between 23-70 years. 35 (71%) patients received surgical treatment (clipping of the aneurysm neck) and in 14 (29%) the aneurysm was embolised. The patients were assessed on two occasions: the first on admission to the Neurosurgery department following the SAH, and on the second, following treatment to secure the aneurysm. A modified version of the MEAMS in two parallel versions was used in the assessment. The results obtained were evaluated with reference to a control group.
Results: A range of cognitive impairments was identified with the aid of the MEAMS in patients undergoing treatment for aneurysmal SAH. These included deficits in visual and auditory memory, executive, perceptual and visuo-spatial functions together with the tendency to perseverate. In those patients who underwent surgery, deficits were observed in the following areas: disorientation in relation to self, time and place; perceptual, memory and visuo-spatial impairments.
Conclusions: The results obtained indicate that the Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State, in the form used in the present study appears to be a sensitive and useful instrument for the screening of cognitive impairments in patients following SAH, in the acute stages of the illness.