Coronary-to-bronchial anastomosis (CBA) is a rare anomaly. This vascular abnormality may be subclinical or be responsible for several pathophysiological events and symptoms involving the respiratory and/or the coronary system. We report the case of a patient with hemoptysis caused by this anomalous coronary-to-bronchial communication, who was concomitantly affected by aortic stenosis and coronary artery disease requiring surgical treatment. A coronary angiogram clearly demonstrated the abnormal vascular connection between the proximal right coronary artery and the bronchial arteries of the left inferior right lobe. The coronary branch was intra-operatively identified and ligated, in association with aortic valve replacement and coronary artery bypass, with an uneventful postoperative course and resolution of the respiratory symptoms. This case presents an unusual cause of hemoptysis due to CBA in patients with other cardiac comorbidities, which required surgical treatment, allowing direct ligation of the CBA. A review of the clinical and therapeutic characteristics of such a peculiar vascular abnormality is also provided.