The transiently evoked otoacoustic emission amplitude of 42 preterm babies (84 ears; post-conceptional age [PCA] 30-36 weeks) was compared with the TEOAE amplitude of 39 full-term babies (78 ears; PCA 37-45 weeks) in order to trace the inner ear maturation characteristics. An ILO-92 otoacoustic emission recording system was used with linear clicks of 70 dB peak equivalent SPL. The results obtained indicated: (1) There was no statistically significant difference between preterm and full-term ears; (2) There was no significant difference between males and females; (3) There was a significant difference between left and right ear TEOAE amplitude; (4) The interaction of ear with age in relation to TEOAE amplitude was statistically significant; (5) Noise and stimulus parameters did not reveal any significant differences between right and left ears; (6) A positive correlation existed between birthweight and TEOAE amplitude; and (7) A negative correlation existed between aminoglycoside treatment and TEOAE amplitude. The results indicate subtle changes in TEOAE amplitude over time, showing a natural development of the inner ear function during the process of maturation.