Background: In colorectal cancer (CRC) surgery, precise tumor localization is important for oncologically correct surgery and adequate tumor and lymph node resection margins. During laparoscopic surgery it is difficult to localize early CRC. The aim of this study was to compare the usefulness of two tumor localization techniques; intraoperative fluoroscopy and intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasonography.
Methods: Seventeen patients with CRC necessitating preoperative marking were alternately allocated to either the fluoroscopy (F) group (n = 8) or the laparoscopic ultrasonography (LU) group (n = 9). A three-step technique was used. At first lesions were localized preoperatively by metallic clips that were colonoscopically applied proximally and distally to the tumor site. Second, computed tomography (CT) colonography was taken to obtain preoperative staging. The location of the metallic clips was confirmed by CT colonography, preoperatively. Third, in the F group, intraoperative fluoroscopy was performed to localize the applied clips. In the LU group, the applied clips were detected from the serosal aspect of the colon using intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasonography.
Results: In all patients, colonoscopic metallic clips were successfully applied and preoperative CT colonography correctly detected the location of the tumor. Marking sites were detected precisely using intraoperative fluoroscopy or intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasonography in all cases, without complications. The mean detection time was 15.8 minutes in the F group and 7.0 minutes in the LU group (p = 0.005). In the LU group, two cases were technically difficult because of interruption of the ultrasound by intestinal air.
Conclusions: Both intraoperative fluoroscopy and intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasonography are safe and accurate techniques for intraoperative localization of early CRC. With regard to detection time, intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasonography is superior to intraoperative fluoroscopy. However, when there is a massive amount of intestinal air, intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasonography is cumbersome in localizing the lesion. Computed tomography colonography is useful for preoperative tumor localization and might be effective for shortening detection time during surgery.