Although the primary mechanism of eukaryotic messenger RNA decay is exoribonucleolytic degradation in the 5'-to-3' orientation, it has been widely accepted that Bacteria can only degrade RNAs with the opposite polarity, i.e. 3' to 5'. Here we show that maturation of the 5' side of Bacillus subtilis 16S ribosomal RNA occurs via a 5'-to-3' exonucleolytic pathway, catalyzed by the widely distributed essential ribonuclease RNase J1. The presence of a 5'-to-3' exoribonuclease activity in B. subtilis suggested an explanation for the phenomenon whereby mRNAs in this organism are stabilized for great distances downstream of "roadblocks" such as stalled ribosomes or stable secondary structures, whereas upstream sequences are never detected. We show that a 30S ribosomal subunit bound to a Shine Dalgarno-like element (Stab-SD) in the cryIIIA mRNA blocks exonucleolytic progression of RNase J1, accounting for the stabilizing effect of this element in vivo.