We describe a case of solitary myeloma showing cystic change filled with massive crystalline structures in a 54-year-old woman. A bone X-ray showed a solitary cystic osteolytic lesion in the right iliac bone. Serum and urine protein electrophoresis showed no demonstrable M-protein, and bone-marrow aspirates did not show any myeloma cells. Histologic examination of the tumor revealed aggregation of plasma cells with massive extracellular infiltration of the rhomboid-shaped crystalline structures. In immunoperoxidase staining, both these crystalline structures and the cytoplasms of the myeloma cells demonstrated a positive reaction for lambda light chain. By electron microscope, the large extracellular crystalline structures were observed, and we found unique rhomboid or rectangular-shaped crystalline structures in the cytoplasms of the myeloma cells.