Most of our knowledge of the antigenic repertoire of autoreactive B lymphocytes in type 1 diabetes (T1D) comes from studies on the antigenic specificity of both circulating islet-reactive autoantibodies and peripheral B lymphocyte hybridomas generated from human blood or rodent spleen. In a recent study, we generated hybridoma cell lines of infiltrating B lymphocytes from different mouse strains developing insulitis, but with different degrees of susceptibility to T1D, to characterize the antigenic specificity of islet-infiltrating B lymphocytes during progression of the disease. We found that many hybridomas produced mAbs restricted to the peripheral nervous system (PNS), thus indicating an active B lymphocyte response against PNS elements in the pancreatic islet during disease development. The aim of this study was to identify the autoantigen recognized by these anti-PNS mAbs. Our results showed that peripherin is the autoantigen recognized by all anti-PNS mAbs, and, therefore, a relevant neuroendocrine autoantigen targeted by islet-infiltrating B lymphocytes. Moreover, we discovered that the immune dominant epitope of this B lymphocyte immune response is found at the C-terminal end of Per58 and Per61 isoforms. In conclusion, our study strongly suggests that peripherin is a major autoantigen targeted during T1D development and poses a new question on why peripherin-specific B lymphocytes are mainly attracted to the islet during disease.