B-cells participate in the autoimmune response that precedes the onset of type 1 diabetes, but how these cells contribute to disease progression is unclear. In this study, we analyzed the phenotype and functional characteristics of islet-infiltrating B-cells in the diabetes-prone NOD mouse and in the insulitis-prone but diabetes-resistant (NOD x NOR)F1 mouse. The results indicate that B-cells accumulate in the islets of both mice influenced by sex traits. Phenotypically and functionally, these B-cells are highly affected by the islet inflammatory milieu, which may keep them in a silenced status. Moreover, although islet-infiltrating B-cells seem to be antigen experienced, they can only induce islet-infiltrating T-cell proliferation when they act as accessory cells. Thus, these results strongly suggest that islet-infiltrating B-cells do not activate islet-infiltrating T-cells in situ, although they may affect the progression of the disease otherwise.