Background: Understanding what prevents people from ever donating blood, or having donated, what influenced them to stop, are both equally important in devising recruitment strategies. Enlisting new donors and encouraging previous donors to return are vital to increasing collections.
Study design and methods: Six racially homogeneous focus groups of never donors and lapsed donors were conducted. Both sexes and a range of age groups were represented. The importance of blood donation as a volunteer activity, deterrents, motivations, awareness of need, and effective recruitment messages were topics discussed.
Results: Never donors do not see blood donation as an important volunteer activity on par with others like volunteering at hospitals, schools, and support groups. Fear and inconvenience were major barriers to donating. Better education campaigns to allay fears about donating and workplace drives were considered important motivators. Participants were unaware of the need for blood. Media messages that combine safety of the process along with who it benefits were considered most effective. Messages that target the specific needs of minority communities were considered good motivators for their recruitment.
Conclusion: Blood collection agencies should increase awareness that blood donation is a worthwhile and important volunteer activity. Another strategy would be to capitalize on the existing perception that donating blood is like donating money or used clothing, by focusing on the concept of giving something tangible. Along with providing convenient opportunities to donate, blood centers need to effectively convey the need for blood and allay fears about the donation process to increase the current donor pool.