Background: Serum levels of melanoma markers may have a role in monitoring disease evolution in metastatic melanoma.
Patients and methods: Serial measurements of melanoma inhibiting activity protein (MIA), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), S-100 and beta2-microglubulin were obtained from 42 metastatic melanoma patients during their biochemotherapy treatment.
Results: High pre-treatment serum levels of S-100, LDH, MIA and P2-microglobulin were detected in 50%, 57%, 50% and 24% of the patients, respectively. Only S-100 had prognostic significance for both disease-free (p=0.011) and overall survival (p=0.021). In patients who responded to treatment, S-100 levels decreased significantly from pre-treatment to the time of response (p = 0.050). When patients progressed, levels of MIA and P2-microglobulin increased significantly (p =0.028 and p =0.030, respectively).
Conclusion: Correlation with disease evolution was found for S-100, MIA and P2-microglobulin levels. Despite the small sample size of the study, S-100 was a significant prognostic marker for overall survival and disease-free survival.