We present a case of surgical removal of solitary metastases in the region of anterior and lateral pelvic wall following primary surgery, pelvic irradiation (external beam-Linac X 6 MV to whole pelvis, followed by intra-vaginal Ir(192)), and adjuvant chemotherapy (carboplatin/adriamycin) in a patient with endometrial adenocarcinoma, FIGO stage IIIA, performed on 3 consecutive recurrences. All recurrences were histologically well-differentiated. The first of them was in the region of m. Rectus abdominis and m. psoas, and was totally removed. The location of the last 2 recurrences occured approximately at the same site, and, after surgical removal, the patient received 4 cycles of paclitaxel and adjuvant irradiation to the lateral pelvic wall (external beam-Linac X 6 MV) in order to possibly prolong the disease-free interval. The patient is in good general condition with no evidence of disease 36 months following primary surgery.