Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of dental treatments on respiratory functions in moderate asthmatic children in comparison to healthy controls as well as to determine the need for bronchodilatator treatment before dental procedures.
Methods: Twenty-six children with moderate asthma aged between 7-14 years who had peak expiratory flowmeter (PEF) values above 80% were selected for the study group. Control group consisted of 28 healthy children of the same age group. Before dental procedures, patients' dental anxiety levels were scored with Corah's Dental Anxiety Scale. The asthmatic group had their dental treatments in 2 sessions. At the first appointment, they were treated without administering a bronchodilatator therapy. After 2 weeks, at the second appointment the children administered bronchodilatator therapy before their dental treatments. PEF values were recorded in both asthmatic groups and in control group prior to, just after and 30 min after dental therapy.
Results: PEF values in asthmatic patients recorded just after dental treatment were significantly lower than control group (P<0.05). When we compared the asthmatic groups who received and who did not receive bronchodilatator treatment, a statistically significant difference was found between PEF values before, just after and 30 min after dental treatment in who didn't receive bronchodilatator treatment (P<0.05).
Conclusions: Administration of bronchodilatator treatment as a premedication before dental procedures may be useful in asthmatic patients.