A kinetic model is presented for photosynthetic processes under varying illumination based on the recently introduced steady state model of the photosynthetic chromatophore vesicles of the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. A stochastic simulation system is built up from independent copies of the different transmembrane proteins, each encapsulating its own set of binding sites and internal states. The proteins are then connected through pools for each of the metabolites. A number of steady state and time-dependent scenarios are presented showing that even under steady state conditions the stochastic model exhibits a different behavior than a continuous description. We find that the electronic coupling between the light harvesting complexes increases the efficiency of the core complexes which eventually allows the bacteria to bridge short illumination outages at already lower light intensities. Some new experiments are proposed by which the DeltapH dependent characteristic of the bc(1) complex or the proton buffering capacity of the vesicle could be determined.