In school-age asthmatics, an increase in hospitalizations has been reported in early autumn. This increase in admissions is conjectured to be associated with the return back to school. In the UK schools in England complete their summer vacations 2 weeks later than in Scotland and so there should be a lag between the two countries in the increase in asthma episode. Daily hospital asthma admission data from Aberdeen (in Scotland) and Doncaster (in England) for the period July 23rd to October 8th for years 1999-2004 were included in the analysis. There are peaks in hospitalization after the return back to school for both Aberdeen and Doncaster with the peak for Doncaster appearing 2 weeks after Aberdeen. This study has demonstrated peaks in admissions in school-age children around the return back to school in two cities where different school return dates were reflected in a 2-week lag effect. These data therefore provide strong evidence that peaks in admissions are associated with the end of the summer holidays.