This session is intended to provide insight into the development of BioMEMS in the academic and industrial settings and address the current challenges facing R&D. Each speaker will address the field of bioMEMS and collaborations between academia and industry from his point-of-view and provide examples of developmental successes and failures in his setting. The speakers will also submit potential solutions to the organizational problems they presently face and foresee in the future. As a panel, the speakers will exchange ideas with the attendees with the hope of collectively introducing solutions to the problems submitted during the talks and general guidelines for successful R&D of BioMEMS through productive collaboration among engineers and scientists of different disciplines and between academia and industry. Speakers: Professor Kensall D. Wise (Professor of EECS and Director of WIMS, U of Michigan), Dr. Michael A. Huff (Director of the MEMS Exchange), Colin Brenan (CTO, Biotrove).