Objectives: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the wear of six composite resins for the veneering of crowns compared with the wear of human and bovine enamel, tested in a dual-axis chewing simulator.
Methods: Eight specimens of six different composite resins (Targis I+II, Solidex, BelleglassHP, Estenia, Solidex) and of human and bovine enamel were prepared. Steatite ceramic balls served as antagonistic specimens. Specimens were dynamically loaded in a dual-axis chewing simulator with 49 N up to 1,200,000 loading cycles with additional thermal cycling between 5 and 55 degrees C. After 120,000, 240,000, 480,000, 840,000 and 1,200,000 loading cycles, an impression of the specimens' surface and the antagonistic specimen was taken using a polyvinylsiloxane impression material. The substance loss at the surface was measured with computer-aided laser profilometry. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and the Tukey test.
Results: The wear of the ultra fine compact filled composite resins Solidex and BelleglassHP was not statistically significantly different from that of human enamel. The other composite resins and bovine enamel showed a wear statistically significantly higher than human enamel.
Significance: Comparing six composite resins for the veneering of crowns, ultra fine compact filled composite resins BelleGlassHP and Solidex showed a wear not significantly different from the wear of human and bovine enamel.