The localization of substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in 12 normal human liver tissues was examined by light and electron immunohistochemistry using immunoperoxidase methods. SP and VIP immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed around portal veins, bile ducts, and hepatic arteries in portal areas, along sinusoids and hepatocytes in hepatic lobules, and around central veins. More SP and VIP immunoreactive nerve fibers were present in the portal areas than in other regions. Moreover, SP and VIP containing nerve endings were localized close to myofibroblasts, Ito cells, fibroblasts and endothelial cells of blood vessels, and sinusoids. The results suggested that part of the innervation of the human liver may be related to the contraction and relaxation of the cells close to nerve endings, and to the regulation of hemodynamic processes by the neurotransmitters such as SP and VIP at the hepatic lobular level.