Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1-H MRS) has revealed changes of metabolites in acute cerebral infarction. Although the drastic changes of lactate and N-acetyl-aspartate have been reported to be useful indicators of the ischemic damage in both humans and experimental animals, lipid signals are also detected by the short echo time sequence 1-5 days after ischemia. The objective of this study was to find a novel technique to isolate lactate signals from lipid signals in the ischemic brain. First, MRS was used to study the lipid and lactate components of a spherical phantom in vitro, and parameters were established to separate these components in vitro. Then, MR measurements were obtained from the brains of middle cerebral artery occlusion rats. All MR measurements were performed using a 7-T (300 MHz), 18.3-cm-bore superconducting magnet (Oxford Magnet Technologies) interfaced to a Unity INOVA Imaging System (Varian Technologies). T2-weighted images were obtained from a 1.0-mm-thick coronal section using a 3-cm field of view. It is well known that lipid has a shorter and lactate a longer T2 relaxation time. These distinct magnetic characteristics allowed us to separate the lactate signal from the lipid signal. Thus, adjustment of the echo time is essential to analyze the metabolites in acute cerebral infarction, which may be useful in both the clinic and laboratory.