NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2, encoded by the mtDNA, has been associated with resistance to autoimmune type I diabetes (T1D) in a case control study. Recently, we confirmed a role for the mouse ortholog of the protective allele (mt-Nd2(a)) in resistance to T1D using genetic analysis of outcrosses between T1D-resistant ALR and T1D-susceptible NOD mice. We sought to determine the mechanism of disease protection by elucidating whether mt-Nd2(a) affects basal mitochondrial function or mitochondrial function in the presence of oxidative stress. Two lines of reciprocal conplastic mouse strains were generated: one with ALR nuclear DNA and NOD mtDNA ( and the reciprocal with NOD nuclear DNA and ALR mtDNA ( Basal mitochondrial respiration, transmembrane potential, and electron transport system enzymatic activities showed no difference among the strains. However, mitochondria supported by either complex I or complex II substrates produced significantly more reactive oxygen species when compared with both parental strains, or C57BL/6 controls. Nitric oxide inhibited respiration to a similar extent for mitochondria from the five strains due to competitive antagonism with molecular oxygen at complex IV. Superoxide and hydrogen peroxide generated by xanthine oxidase did not significantly decrease complex I function. The protein nitrating agents peroxynitrite or nitrogen dioxide radicals significantly decreased complex I function but with no significant difference among the five strains. In summary, mt-Nd2(a) does not confer elevated resistance to oxidative stress; however, it plays a critical role in the control of the mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production.