The impact factor, cited half-life, and immediacy index are three important methods that can be used to demonstrate how a journal's articles are cited over the course of a specific time span. These three factors thus represent instruments for measuring the importance and reputation of a scientific magazine. The goal of our study was to evaluate the constancy of journals specialized in the field of urology and to analyze those listed in the 2005 Journal Citation Report (JCR) using the standardized methods specified by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) and JCR. Primarily we wanted to examine the different time spans needed for publication of original papers submitted to certain journals; in more exact terms: the time span from submission of an article or original paper to its publication and from the time of acceptance of an original paper or article to its publication in a urological journal. Furthermore, we wanted to investigate the dynamics of urological journals regarding their impact factors for the years 2000-2005. The study was performed using the ISI JCR and the library as well as the online library of the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen. A very satisfactory development can be observed in the field of urology with the standardized methods of the (ISI) JCR.