The preterm fetus is capable of surviving prolonged periods of severe hypoxia without neural injury for much longer than at term. To evaluate the hypothesis that regulated suppression of brain metabolism contributes to this remarkable tolerance, we assessed changes in the redox state of cytochrome oxidase (CytOx) relative to cerebral heat production, and cytotoxic edema measured using cerebral impedance, during 25 min of complete umbilical cord occlusion or sham occlusion in fetal sheep at 0.7 gestation. Occlusion was followed by rapid, profound reduction in relative cerebral oxygenation and EEG intensity and an immediate increase in oxidized CytOx, indicating a reduction in electron flow down the mitochondrial electron transfer chain. Confirming rapid suppression of cerebral metabolism there was a loss of the temperature difference between parietal cortex and body at a time when carotid blood flow was maintained at control values. As occlusion continued, severe hypotension/hypoperfusion developed, with a further increase in CytOx levels to a plateau between 8 and 13 min and a progressive rise in cerebral impedance. In conclusion, these data strongly suggest active regulation of cerebral metabolism during the initial response to severe hypoxia, which may help to protect the immature brain from injury.