Optical spectrum of C60 mono-adducts: assignment of transition bands using time-resolved EPR magneto-photo-selection

Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2006 Dec;5(12):1177-82. doi: 10.1039/b610106b. Epub 2006 Nov 3.


The magneto-photo-selection technique implemented in the time-resolved EPR (TR-EPR) experiment is used for studying the characteristics of the optical spectrum of C(60) mono-adducts, in the 410-690 nm wavelength range. The analysis of the shape of the triplet state TR-EPR spectra of the mono-adducts, recorded after laser light pulses having polarization parallel or perpendicular to the magnetic field direction allows to determine the orientation distribution of the excited molecules; whence the direction of transition moments in the molecular frame is inferred. This information provides the assignment of the vibronic states symmetries.