Objectives: We investigated the effect of topical application of 5-fluorouracil after incisional myringotomy on the patency time and its use as an alternative to ventilation tube insertion.
Materials and methods: Experimental tympanic membrane perforations were induced in two groups of guinea pigs. One group (20 tympanic membranes) was treated with a 50 mg/ml 5-fluorouracil-soaked sponge over the perforation for five minutes while the other (16 tympanic membranes) with saline-soaked sponges for the same duration. The patency times, otorrhea, and other complications were recorded.
Results: The mean patency of tympanic membrane perforations following incisional myringotomy was significantly longer in the 5-fluorouracil-treated group (11.3 days vs 7.0 days; p<0.01). None of the ears exhibited permanent perforation.
Conclusion: The length of patency provided by 5-fluorouracil is not sufficient for optimal ventilation time in otitis media with effusion. However, in circumstances in which shorter patency times may provide sufficient ventilation, 5-fluorouracil application may be an alternative to ventilation tube insertion.