The present inter-University study aims to analyze the vaccine statute of the Belgian French-speaking general practionners and the reasons of their possible non-vaccination. A questionnaire with an exhaustive list of vaccines was sent by postal way to a random sample of thousand two hundred and twenty general practitioners. The results were analyzed via SPSS 13. The rate of answer is 60.83%. Two thirds of the doctors (67%) considered themselves in order of vaccination anti-influenza. A majority of doctors (59.7%) is vaccinated systematically each year. The majority of the doctors (83%) considered themselves in antitetanus order of vaccination. Two thirds (67%) think that the vaccine protects from 5 to 10 years. Nearly 73% of the doctors considered themselves in order of vaccination against hepatitis B. More than 50% of the doctors received a vaccine HBV since less than 10 years. The majority of the doctors (79.2%) made a blood control of their protection after vaccination HBV Almost half of the doctors thinks that the vaccine protect for life, 23% from 10 to 20 years and 14% from 5 to 10 years. Two thirds (67%) of the doctors did not make a vaccine against rubella. In 80% of the cases vaccination dated from more than 20 years. In nearly two thirds of the cases the doctors did not make blood control of their protection. Nearly 60% of the questioned doctors think that vaccination offers a protection to life. About half of the doctors did not consider themselves in order of vaccination against the whooping-cough. In three quarter of the cases last vaccination dated from more than 20 years. The two principal durations of protection of the vaccine are with life and between 10 and 20 years. Three quarters of the questioned doctors are considered in order of vaccination against the poliomyelitis. However in 62% of the cases the last vaccine goes up with more than 20 years. More two thirds of the doctors think than the vaccine protects with life or from 10 to 20 years. Two thirds of doctors considered themselves in order of vaccination against the diphteria. For a third of the doctors the vaccine dated from less than 5 years, in more than one quarter of the cases to more than 20 years like between 5 and 10 years. About half of the doctors said they were vaccinated against other pathologies: hepatitis A (34.5%), the yellow fever (21.1%), the thyphoid fever (12.5%), the BCG (8.9%), the pneumococcus (6.6%), meningitis and variola (5%). In the French Community, the vaccine coverage of the general practitioners against the influenza (67%), tetanus (83%) and hepatitis B (73%) is, in this study, higher or equal to the other Belgian and international studies but remains insufficient. A bad vaccine coverage is observed concerning rubella, the whooping-cough, the poliomyelitis. The answers over the durations of protection of the vaccines are rather disparate and show a bad knowledge of these durations and diagrams of vaccination. An update of this knowledge could be carried out during the continuous medical trainings.