SUBJECT. Massive Chronic Intervillositis is an infrequent inflammation lesion of the placenta, characterized by lymphohistiocytic intervillous infiltration, associated with fibrinoid deposition. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perinatal outcome of pregnancies complicated by such lesions.
Material and methods: We conducted a descriptive retrospective multicentric analysis of a series of pregnancies for which placenta or products of abortion were analyzed between January 1995 and September 2005, at the University Hospital of Bordeaux. After re-examining the histology slides, we performed a semi-quantitative graduation of the cell infiltration and fibrinoid deposition.
Results: Twenty-five women were included (one twin-pregnancy and two histologic recurrences). We found three spontaneous abortions before 22 weeks, four intrauterine fetal deaths and three neonatals deaths. Seven of eight elective inductions pregnancies, were performed for intrauterine growth restriction less than 2.5 percentile. The rate of pregnancy loss was 55% and the perinatal mortality was 29%. 77% of fetuses are small for gestational age. Three mothers were pre-eclamptic. 21% of the fetuses had a congenital malformation. Only 32% of the fetuses were alive one week after birth. Histologically, 25% were associated with lesions of Villitis of Unknown Etiology. 77% of the cell infiltration was grade 3 and seemed to be correlated with severe growth restriction. We describe 3 cases of antenatal diagnosis of Chronic Intervillositis, realised after immunofixation on chorionic villous sampling.
Conclusion: Massive Chronic Intervillositis is a recurrent lesion with a poor prognosis complicated by spontaneous abortion, intrauterine growth restriction and perinatal fetal death. Currently, there is no treatment. Chorionic villous sampling in severe growth restriction might be useful in order to obtain at the same time the fetal karyotype and an histological probe of the placenta.