Progression to malignancy in carcinomas has been studied in a stable, benign, subdiploid, cloned epithelial cell line (A5P/B10) sensitive to Geneticin at 100 micrograms/ml. A total of 28 cell lines were selected for Geneticin - resistance and inoculated into the footpads of syngeneic animals following co-transfection with pSV2neo and genomic DNA, or transfection with plasmid constructs containing neo and the activated Ha-ras oncogene. The behavior of 12 cell lines cotransfected with normal genomic DNA and inoculated into 146 footpads was the same as the A5P/B10 cells. Low grade primary tumors were produced in 122 footpads by 13 cell lines transfected with Ha-ras, and a proportion (61/122) produced well-differentiated lymph node metastases. One of 3 cell lines cotransfected with genomic DNA from a malignant cell line (BC1) produced 8 anaplastic primary tumors with anaplastic metastases. Cell lines from lymph nodes involved by these anaplastic tumors were sensitive to Geneticin, and genomic DNA from 2 clones of these cells failed to produce a malignant phenotype when co-transfected into the A5P/B10 cells. These results indicated that the progression to a malignant phenotype induced in benign cells from a spontaneous epithelial tumor by co-transfection with genomic DNA from malignant cells was different from that induced by the ras oncogene.