This study investigated the effects of PMA on biosynthesis and transcription of the CD4 molecule and gene in order to define mechanisms resulting in reduced cell surface expression of the CD4 molecule after treatment with PMA. Cells treated with PMA showed reduced biosynthesis of the CD4 molecule but not of class I HLA molecules. Furthermore, PMA treatment resulted in reduced steady-state levels of CD4 mRNA and inhibition of the relative rate of transcription of the CD4 gene. Cells expressing transfected CD4 cDNA gene products modulated in response to PMA, however, re-expressed CD4 earlier than cells expressing the product of the wild-type CD4 gene. These data suggest that the cell surface expression of the CD4 molecule is probably down-regulated at the level of the protein, as well as the gene, and that inhibition of transcription may affect the kinetics of CD4 expression. These observations provide further insight into the mechanisms by which HIV affects expression of CD4.