Microstructure and self-assembly of inhomogeneous rigid rodlike chains between two neutral surfaces: A hybrid density functional approach

J Phys Chem B. 2006 Nov 2;110(43):21882-9. doi: 10.1021/jp064040m.


We use a hybrid density functional approach to investigate the microstructure and self-assembly of inhomogeneous rigid rodlike chains between two neutral surfaces, i.e., two hard walls. In the calculation, the rodlike molecule is modeled as a rigid rod linearly connected by the tangent sphere beads. The hybrid method combines a single-chain Monte Carlo (MC) simulation for the ideal-gas part of Helmholtz energy and a DFT approach for the excess Helmholtz energy. The DFT approach includes a modified fundamental measure theory for the excluded-volume effect, the first order thermodynamics perturbation theory for chain connectivity, and the mean field approximation for the van der Waals attraction. We investigate the effect of the chain length (i.e., aspect ratio) of the rodlike molecule and the separation between two surfaces on the microstructure and self-assembly of inhomogeneous rigid rodlike chains. For the athermal systems, the rodlike chain fluids present a smaller partitioning coefficient compared to the flexible chain fluids. For the thermal systems, lamellar thin films formed by the rigid rodlike molecules perpendicular to the neutral surface are observed. The effects of the head-head interaction and the separation on the self-assembly of the rodlike chain fluids in the slit are investigated.