Forty three patients with unsatisfactory outcomes of surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) were examined urodynamically. Thirty five patients complained of daily and nocturnal pollakiuria, incomplete evacuation of urine from the bladder, imperative voiding. Eight patients had postoperative enuresis. Seventeen control patients had satisfactory surgical results. The urodynamic findings showed that postoperative dysuria was caused by detrusor pathology: detrusor hyperactivity (n = 27, 62.8%), contractile hypoactivity (n = 4, 9.3%), infravesical obstruction (n = 4, 9.3%). Diuresis patients had low maximal cystometric capacity of the urinary bladder, detrusor hyperactivity was diagnosed in 5 (62.6%) patients. Enuresis patients had also very low indices of urethral profilometry characterizing function of the sphincter. The urodynamic examination detected true stress urine incontinence in 3 enuresis patients due to sphincter impairment. Five patients had enuresis of mixed nature. Thus, urodynamic examination of patients with unsatisfactory results of surgery determined cause of dysuria. Accurate diagnosis of characteristics and causes of lower urinary tracts dysfunction decides choice of adequate therapeutic policy.