Appropriate nutritional therapy of surgical patients intends to supply calories for the maintenance of essential body functions. Beyond this goal, nutritional support may also significantly reduce nosocomial morbidity if applied properly and to the right patients. In surgical patients, nutritional therapy should start preoperatively by identifying and treating malnutrition and be continued postoperatively as a patient-tailored supportive measure. Oral/enteral nutrition is feasible in the majority of patients. Rare exceptions are patients with intestinal leakage, overt ileus, and circulatory shock. If the upper gastrointestinal tract is not functioning (as in swallowing disorders or after construction of surgical anastomoses), tube systems may be used. They can be placed endoscopically or at the time of surgery (needle catheter jejunostomy) to allow continuous enteral nutrition. If oral/enteral nutrition cannot completely meet caloric requirements of the patient, additional parenteral supply is indispensable to reach the intended caloric goal.