Correlating Papanicolaou Smear, Colposcopic Impression, and Biopsy: Results from the Women's Interagency HIV Study

J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2001 Oct;5(4):212-8.


Objective: To determine associations among cervical cytology, colposcopy, and biopsy in HIV-seropositive women.

Materials and methods: HIV-seropositive women and uninfected comparison women in a multicenter prospective cohort study underwent colposcopy for protocol indications. Women were eligible if they had a cervix, satisfactory cytology, and colposcopy between October 1994 and September 1999. Cytology, colposcopic impression, and biopsy were compared using equivalent categorizations. Kappa statistics with bootstrap sampling assessed strength of associations.

Results: Colposcopy was performed in 978/1370 HIV-seropositive women and in 154/224 seronegative women. Biopsies were performed on 603 (44%) seropositive women at least once during 1015 colposcopy visits and on 82 (37%) seronegative women at 116 visits. The positive predictive value of cytology was 72% for seropositive women and 60% for seronegative women. The positive predictive value of colposcopy was 71% for seropositive women and 55% for seronegative women.

Conclusion: The correlation between either cervical cytology or colposcopic impression and colposcopic biopsy was poor.