Mimicking natural evolution by DNA shuffling is a commonly used method for the optimization of DNA and protein properties. Here, we present an advancement of this approach whereby a gene library is amplified using a standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR), but incorporates dUTP as a fragmentation-defining exchange nucleotide, together with the four standard dNTPs. Incorporated uracil bases are excised using uracil-DNA-glycosylase, and the DNA backbone subsequently is cleaved with piperidine. This oligonucleotide pool is then reassembled with an internal primer extension procedure using a proofreading polymerase to increase yield, and, finally, is amplified by PCR. Denaturing polyacrylamide urea gels demonstrate this method to produce adjustable fragmentation size ranges dependent on the dUTP:dTTP ratios. Using the model protein, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase I, the sequencing of shuffled gene libraries based on a PCR containing 33% dUTP revealed a low mutation rate, of approx 0.1%, with an average parental fragments size of 86 bases, even without the use of a fragment-size separation. Nucleotide exchange and excision technology (NExT) DNA shuffling is, thus, reproducible and easily executed, making it superior to competing techniques. Additionally, NExT fragmentation outcome can be predicted using the computer software, NExTProg.