AIM. The aim of this study is to show the compliance and the test-retest reliability of the questionnaire.
Methods: Construction of a structured questionnaire to perform a phone follow-up in 511 persons with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) 4 years after discharge from the first rehabilitative hospitalization. The questionnaire is structured in 24 items, comprising exclusion (closed questions) answers and 3 analogic scale answers, divided into 7 aspects: clinical conditions, sentimental relationships, quality of life, autonomy, mobility, occupation, social reintegration. A pilot survey on 20 subjects with SCI, hospitalized in different periods in 2 rehabilitation centers, was performed to check the questionnaire's feasibility and reproducibility. The persons were interviewed twice by telephone, with an interval of about one month, by a psychologist. The questionnaire was completed during one single phone conversation.
Results: No missing answers were recorded. The test run for this questionnaire showed high reproducibility based on the large numbers of questions with 100% correspondence between the answers ''before'' and ''after''. For most of the other questions this factor ranged between 80% and 99%, and for 2 questions on the analogic scale between 30% and 50%.
Conclusions: The data collected by this pilot survey show the reliability of this questionnaire for all answers, save for the quantification of subjective variables.