Aim of the study: To get data on the current practice of Gastroenterology in Romania.
Material and method: We obtained data regarding the number of gastroenterologists in Romania from the Centre of Statistics of the Ministry of Health and Family (CSMHF) and the National Centre of Training for Medical Personnel (NCTMP). We sent a questionnaire to all the Centers of Gastroenterology in Romania inquiring about the number of gastroenterologists and fellows, and about the gastroenterological procedures performed. We compared these data to that of 17 European countries.
Results: The total number of gastroenterologists in Romania on January 1, 2005 was 175 (123 specialists and 52 senior consultants), and the total number of fellows in training was 133. Romania has a small number of gastroenterologists - 0.83/100,000 inhabitants, expected to reach approximately 1.4/100,000 inhabitants in 2010. Regarding the abilities in gastroenterological procedures, we obtained data from 98 gastroenterologists. They have good performances in diagnostic gastroscopy (97%), colonoscopy (81.6%), abdominal ultrasound (79.6%), but a poor performance in ERCP (10.2%). Less than half of the gastroenterologists (46.9%) perform proctologic procedures. Data regarding the training program of the Romanian fellows are disappointing: only 69.1% of them perform gastroscopy, 33.8% colonoscopy, 2.9% ERCP, 64.7% abdominal ultrasound and 14.7% proctology.
Conclusions: The number of gastroenterologists in Romania seems low compared with most European countries. They do not acquire a uniform satisfactory mastering of gastroenterological procedures during their training program. This should be improved according to the guidelines of the European Diploma of Gastroenterology.