A comparative analysis of the flavonoid components of the leaves of two medicinal plants known in Brazil as "espinheira santa", namely, Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reiss. and M. aquifolium Mart. (Celastraceae), and a hybrid plant, M. aquifoliumxM. ilicifolia, has been carried out using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with photodiode array UV detection and mass spectrometry. One methoxyflavonoid glycoside and 18 flavonol-3-O-glycosides were identified in the extracts on the basis of their on-line UV spectra (measured in the absence and presence of shift reagents) and multiple stage mass spectral data. Fingerprint analysis of the flavonoid extracts revealed significant differences in the profiles of the two Maytenus species, while the hybrid plant contained flavonoids found in both parent species.