We evaluated the ability of canine bone marrow stromal cells (cBMSCs) to regenerate bone in a cavity of the scapholunate created by curretage and freeze-thawing with liquid nitrogen (LN). Autologous BMSCs were harvested from the iliac crest and expanded in vitro. Their potential to differentiate into osteo-, chondro-, and adipogenic lineages was confirmed using a standard differentiation induction assay. LN-treated scapholunates showed no regeneration of bone tissue when the cavity was left alone, demonstrating severe collapse and deformity as observed in human Kienböck disease. A combination of beta-tri-calcium phosphate and a vascularized bone graft with autologous fibroblasts failed to regenerate bone in the LN-treated cavity. When the same procedure was performed using BMSCs, however, LN-treated scapholunates showed no collapse and deformity, and the cavity was completely filled with normal cancerous bone within 4 weeks. These results suggested the potential of using BMSCs to treat Kienböck disease.