To explore the optimal cryoprotectant for porcine preadipocyte cryppreservation, the primary pig preadipocytes were cryopreseved with DMSO, ethlyleneglycol(EG), PVP and DMSO+PVP cryoprotective agents (CPA) and without CPA, respectively. After 30d, the cells were recovered, viability of pig preadipocyte cryopreserved with different CPAs was evaluated by the Typlan exclusion, growth characteristic was analyzed with MTT, the differentiation potentials of pig preadipocytes were observed by morphology change from preadipocyte to mature adipocyte and Oil Red O staining. The results were as follows: four cryoprotectants all could protect the pig preadipocyte from frozen at a certain degree, and the efficiency was as follows: PVP > MSO+PVP > DMSO > EG > without cryoprotectant. The growth state and the lipogenic capability of the pig preadipocytes cryopreserved with PVP were similar to those unfreezing cells. Thus, we draw a conclusion: PVP is the optimal cryoprotectant for pig preadipocyte.