Introduction: The general objective of this study was to determine the morbid-mortality of stroke followed in the Department of neurology of Dakar.
Materials and methods: This prospective and longitudinal studywas carried out from August 2003 at May 2005 and concerned 170 patients hospitalized or seen in external consultation for cerebral vascular accident confirmed by the cerebral tomodensitometry. All the patients were subjected to a protocol allowing determining the sociodemographic data, the therapeutic itinerary, the nature and the mechanism of stroke. The follow-up was monthly for 12 months.
Results: The patients were old 25 to 90 years. The mean age was 61 +/- 13 years. The sex-ratio is 0.68. The ischemic cerebral vascular accidents represented 64.7% against 35.3% for the hemorrhagic vascular accidents. In 71.7 the AVCH was related to arterial hypertension. For the AVCI, a cardiopathy emboligene was objectified in 16.36% of the cases. The HTA constituted the principal factor of risk and was observed in 63.53% of the cases. The mortality rate was 28.8% (between j0 and j30) and 50.6% at one year. The age constitutes a factor of bad prognosis. For the sex the statistical analysis shows a no significant difference (p = 0.703). The repetition of stroke constitutes a factor of bad prognosis. 52.4% of the patients having an antecedent of stroke had died precociously. Mortality was higher in the AVCH with p = 0.043. The existence of disorders of conscience of start constituted a factor of bad vital prognosis. Among the 84 survivors after one year of follow-up, 49 had found their functional autonomy and 35 kept after-effects.
Conclusion: Stroke is responsible for a strong mortality. The advanced age, the repetition of cerebral vascular accident, the hemorrhagic nature of the cerebral vascular accident constitutes factors of bad vital prognosis.