Objective: To characterize clinical and interictal electroencephalographic aspects of children and adults with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) due to tumoral lesions.
Method: We performed a retrospective analysis of the clinical and interictal electroencephalographic aspects of 16 children (64 exams) and 12 adults (78 exams) with lesions in the temporal lobe.
Results: The most frequent etiologies were gangliogliomas, DNETs, followed by astrocytomas. Auras occurred in both groups, the most common being epigastric sensation. Other findings such as myoclonias, behavioral arrest and vomiting were more frequent in children. Temporal epileptiform and nonepileptiform activities, mostly unilateral, were found in both groups. Extratemporal epileptiform activities (frontal, parietal, central, occipital and generalized) were also found equally in both groups.
Conclusion: Our data show that children and adults with TLE due to expansive lesions present with similar EEG findings.