We investigated whether an eight week, light resistance program could increase the muscular strength of the knee and elbow extensors and flexors in a group of hospitalized anorexic patients compared to anorexic controls (AC) who did not participate in the training program, but received the same caloric intake, and non-anorexic exercisers (NAE) who undertook the resistance training program. After the resistance training program, the seven anorexic exercisers (AE) significantly increased the peak torque (PT) of their knee extensors (p < 0.001), flexors (p < 0.0001) and elbow flexors (p < 0.01). In comparison, the seven anorexic non-exercisers (anorexic controls, AC) and seven non-anorexic exercisers (NAE), who performed the same program, showed no significant increase in peak torque after the program (p > 0.05). The study has demonstrated that an eight week, light resistance program increases the knee and elbow strength of the hospitalized anorexic patients.