Accurate sampling of the arterial input function (AIF) in low-temporal-resolution quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) studies is crucial for accurate and reproducible parameter estimation. However, when conventional AIFs are sampled at low temporal resolution, they introduce an unpredictable degree of error. An alternative double contrast agent (CA) bolus injection protocol designed to compensate for temporal mis-sampling of the AIF and tissue uptake curve was simulated in addition to a commonly used single CA bolus injection protocol. A range of tissue uptake curves for each AIF form were generated using a distributed parameter model, and Monte Carlo simulation studies were performed over a range of offset times (to mimic temporal mis-sampling), temporal resolutions and SNR in order to compare the performance of both AIF forms in compartmental modeling. Insufficient data sampling of the single bolus AIF at temporal resolutions in excess of 9 s leads to large errors, which can be reduced by employing an additional, appropriately administered, second CA bolus injection.
Copyright (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.