Avirulence of Magnaporthe grisea isolate CHL346 on rice cultivar GA25 was studied with 242 ascospore progenies derived from the cross CHL346 x CHL42. Segregation analysis of the avirulence in the progeny population was in agreement with the existence of a single avirulence (Avr) gene, designated as AvrPi15. For mapping the Avr gene, we developed a total of 121 microsatellite DNA markers [simple sequence repeat (SSR)], which evenly distributed in the whole-genome of M. grisea through bioinformatics analysis (BIA) using the publicly available sequence. Linkage analysis of the AvrPi15 gene with these SSR markers showed that six markers on chromosome 6, MS6-1, MS6-2, MS6-3, MS6-7, MS6-8 and MS6-10, were linked to the AvrPi15 locus. To further define the chromosomal location of the AvrPi15 locus, two additional markers, MS6-17 and STS6-6, which were developed based on the sequences of telomeric region 11 (TEL11), were subjected to linkage analysis. The results showed that MS6-17 and STS6-6 were associated with the locus by 3.3 and 0.8 cM, respectively. To finely map the Avr gene, two additional candidate avirulence gene (CAG) markers, CAG6-1 and CAG6-2, were developed based on the gene annotation of the sequence of TEL 11. Linkage analysis of the Avr gene with these two markers revealed that both of them completely cosegregated with the AvrPi15 locus. Finally, this locus was physically mapped into approximately 7.2-kb interval of the TEL11 by BIA using these sequence-ready markers. This is the key step toward positional cloning of the AvrPi15 gene.