C4 photosynthesis typically requires two specialized leaf cell types, bundle sheath (bs) and mesophyll (mp), which provide the foundation for this highly efficient carbon assimilation pathway. In leaves of Flaveria bidentis, a dicotyledonous C4 plant, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) accumulates only in bs cells surrounding the vascular centers and not in mp cells. This is in contrast to the more common C3 plants, which accumulate rubisco in all photosynthetic cells. Many previous studies have focused on transcriptional control of C4 cell type-specificity; however, post-transcriptional regulation has also been implicated in the bs-specific expression of genes encoding the rubisco subunits. In this current study, a biolistic leaf transformation assay has provided direct evidence that the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions (UTRs) of F. bidentis FbRbcS1 mRNA (from a nuclear gene encoding the rubisco small subunit), in themselves, confer strong bs cell-specific expression to gfpA reporter gene transcripts when transcribed from a constitutive CaMV promoter. In transformed leaf regions, strong bs cell-specific GFP expression was accompanied by corresponding bs cell-specific accumulation of the constitutively transcribed FbRbcS1 5'-UTR-gfpA-3'-UTR mRNAs. Control constructs lacking any RbcS mRNA sequences were expressed in all leaf cell types. These findings demonstrate that characteristic cell type-specific FbRbcS1 expression patterns in C4 leaves can be established entirely by sequences contained within the transcribed UTRs of FbRbcS1 mRNAs. We conclude that selective transcript stabilization (in bs cells) or degradation (in mp cells) plays a key role in determining bs cell-specific localization of the rubisco enzyme.