Objective: The objective of this study was to examine California clinicians' use of and attitudes toward patient-delivered partner therapy (PDPT) to treat sexual partners of patients infected with chlamydia.
Study design: In 2002, a stratified random sample of primary care physicians and nurse practitioners completed a mailed, self-administered survey. Weighted frequencies were calculated to assess partner management practices, including PDPT, and attitudes toward PDPT. Multivariate models were constructed to determine independent predictors of PDPT use.
Results: Of 708 physicians and 895 nurse practitioners, approximately half (47% and 48%, respectively) reported that they use PDPT usually or always. Over 90% agreed that PDPT protects patients from reinfection and provides better care for patients with chlamydia. However, providers reported concerns that PDPT may result in incomplete care for the partner, may be dangerous without knowing the partner's medical or allergy history, is an activity the practice may not get paid for, and may get them sued. Obstetrics/gynecology and family practice physicians were more likely than internal medicine physicians to report routine use of PDPT. Concerns about adverse outcomes of PDPT were associated with less PDPT use.
Conclusions: Although the proportion of California healthcare providers routinely using PDPT is comparatively high, further study is warranted to examine the circumstances under which this partner management strategy is used.