Glucosyl hesperidin (G-hesperidin) is a water-soluble derivative of hesperidin. We compared the absorption and metabolism of G-hesperidin with those of hesperidin in rats. After oral administration of G-hesperidin or hesperidin to rats, hesperetin was detected in sera hydrolyzed with beta-glucuronidase, but it was not detectable in unhydrolyzed sera. Serum hesperetin was found more rapidly in rats administered G-hesperidin than in those administered hesperidin. The area under the concentration-time curve for hesperetin in the sera of rats administered G-hesperidin was approximately 3.7-fold greater than that of rats administered hesperidin. In the urine of both administration groups, hesperetin and its glucuronide were found. Urinary excretion of metabolites was higher in rats administered G-hesperidin than in those administered hesperidin. These results indicate that G-hesperidin presents the same metabolic profile as hesperidin. Moreover, it was concluded that G-hesperidin is absorbed more rapidly and efficiently than hesperidin, because of its high water solubility.